Jehovah - El Buen Pastor Church and Good Shepherd Christian Academy have been serving the Hermosa and Logan Square neighborhoods since 1903! Members and friends enjoy a close family atmosphere rich in the culture of its members as well as the traditions of the Lutheran Christian Church. Far from a “Sunday Only” kind of place, our Church and School provide a place to learn, grow, meet, and enjoy community.
We invite YOU to be a part of our next 100 years!
Our History
1903: March 29 –Branch school organized by Christ Lutheran of Logan Square at what is today 2414 N. Lawndale Avenue.
1908: Jehovah Congregation founded and organized with 26 members. Five lots purchased at the corner of Ridgeway and Belden Avenues by congregation. First Pastor installed was Reverend Theodore Graebner. The cornerstone for the first church and school was laid and several months later, both buildings were completed.
1909: Parsonage was completed at 2310 N. Ridgeway Avenue.
1910: The congregation passed a resolution that services be conducted in English as well as German.
1913: Pastor Graebner accepted a call as professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis. Reverend Arthur Lussky of Sterling, Illinois was installed as Pastor. Resolution passed to build the new church building.
1914: Cornerstone of present church building laid.
1915: Dedication of new church building held on July 25th.
1928: Resolution passed to enlarge school building to include four new classrooms, a gymnasium assembly hall and 6-lane bowling alley. Cornerstone laid for new school building and assembly hall. Dedication held 5 months later.
1931: Kindergarten established as part of the day school.
1933: Jehovah congregation celebrated its Silver Anniversary.
1937: Reverend W. Martin Rupprecht of Harvard, Illinois installed as Associate Pastor.
1938: A second parsonage was purchased at 2252 N. Karlov Avenue.
1940: Pastor Rupprecht resigned as Associate Pastor
1941: Reverend Robert G. Lange of Pine Bluff, Arkansas installed as Associate Pastor
1943: Pastor Lange accepted a call to Zion Lutheran Church, St. Louis.
1944: Reverend Theodore Nickel of Aurora, Illinois installed as Pastor.
1945: New Sanctuary Dedicated.
1946: An Ernst Skinner House organ from a mansion in Mt. Clemens, MI was installed. 2536 pipes, 50 ranks, 3 manuals full pedal.
1950: Membership of Jehovah was 2174 baptized souls.
1956: In August, Pastor and Mrs. Lussky celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary; Pastor and Mrs. Nickel celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
1958: Jehovah congregation celebrated its Golden Jubilee. President of the Northern Illinois District, Reverend A.H. Werfelmann was the guest speaker.
1959: Pastor Arthur W. Lussky retired and became Pastor Emeritus.
1960: Pastor Nickel was elected Second vice-president of the Missouri Synod.
1963: Pastor Lussky celebrated 50 years in ministry. Pastor John Teras installed as Assistant Pastor to minister the German service.
1965: Berghaus installed a new Cassavant console on the organ.
1966: Professor E. Wiehner replaced Pastor Teras.
1967: Professor Daniel Poillot replaced Pastor Wiehner for the German service.
1968: Reverend Arthur Lussky was called to his heavenly reward.
1969: Pastor Nickel celebrated his 25 years of service to Jehovah congregation.
1972: Mascot Beavers became the Jaguars
1974: El Buen Pastor Congregation was organized under Pastor Alberto Garcia at Christ Logan Square, Chicago.
1975: Dr. Theodore F. Nickel became Pastor Emeritus. Reverend Gerald G. Garrett installed as Pastor.
1977: Reverend Gale D. Schmidt of Chicago was installed as Pastor to El Buen Pastor. Pastor Nickel celebrated 50 years of ministry.
1979: El Buen Pastor began meeting here for Spanish services on June 17th.
1981: Pastor and Mrs. Nickel celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in August, and Pastor and Mrs. Garrett celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
1982: Pastor Poillet died suddenly. The last German service at Jehovah was held in May. October 17th the 74th dedication service was held with Rev. Theodore Nickel, Preacher.
1983: Special services were held each month, celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Jehovah. The guest preachers were: Rev. Warren B. Arndt, Troy, MI; Rev. G.G. Garrett and Rev. G.D. Schmidt; Rev. Burneal Fick of Fort Wayne, IN; Rev. Ronald W. Irsch, Rochester, MI; Rev. Lawrence A. Giff of Ormsby, MN; Special German service, Pastor E. Reinke, Emeritus of First Bethlehem, Chicago; Rev. George Krause, First Vice President of the Northern IL. District at the 75th Dedication Sunday Service.
1985: Pastor G.G. Garrett accepted a call to Foster City, California.
1986: Pastor Ronald Abresch was installed as Pastor.
1989: Pastor Abresch accepted a call to Sac City, Iowa.
1990: Pastor Gale D. Schmidt was installed as Pastor to Jehovah Congregation while already serving the sister congregation of El Buen Pastor.
1992: Pre Kindergarten established at the Day School.
1996: Reverend Theodore F. Nickel was called to his heavenly reward.
1997: Pastor Gale D. Schmidt retired from the ministry.
1998: Ministries of Jehovah and El Buen Pastor were joined as one congregation.
1998: Reverend Julio Orozco served as Vacancy Pastor until 2002.
2002: Candidate John Hassey was installed as Pastor of Jehovah/El Buen Pastor.
2006: Pastor Hassey resigned as Pastor.
2008: Jehovah El Buen Pastor celebrated its 100th anniversary with Pastor Gale Schmidt preaching and the St Peters Arlington Heights choir performing.
2010: Pastor Fernando Gomez began serving as Vacancy Pastor and at Rey de Gloria.
2011: Jehovah/El Buen Pastor joined with Messiah, Our Savior, and St. Paul to form the Lutheran Unity School Association with campuses at JEBP and St. Paul Canfield. Jaguars became the Bobcats.
2015: June Fernando Gomez was installed as Pastor of Jehovah El Buen Pastor.
2017: LUSA disbanded. Good Shepherd Christian Academy created. Bobcats became the Lobos.